Stránka 1 z 1 (3.11.2023)

Napsal: 03 lis 2023 17:50
od michal

[Reports - Book Reports] Wording tab is not being honored in descendant book report when changing the wording for Christening/Baptism notes - vyřešený.
[Sources - Basic] If you don't enter a Source List Name, then switch to another tab and enter anything, if you try to switch back you can't. - vyřešený.
[File - File Maintenance] When you have a step child-parent relationship and then you run the list cleanup, it removes the child-parent relationship - vyřešený.
[AA - Legacy Initialization and Startup] Legacy no longer honors 1.1 Program Startup view - uzavřený.
[Data Entry - Notes/Text/Comments] Failure when Adding a marriage note to couple - uzavřený.
[Tabs - Pedigree View] Edit Person in Pedigree tried to edit wrong person - uzavřený.
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